

CSS Server: – Gungame + Elimination Server

Teamspeak: ts.clanbfd.com:10108 Password: BFD

Visit us 🙂 ^^


Welcome to -[BFD]-‘s website.

We are a clan in Counter-Strike: Source. -[BFD]- is our tag. It stands for BFD.
The idea is to have a place where you can have fun and relax.
On this page you can read about our members, check your stats, view our banlist and more.

Our servers have some simple rules. Which we hope everyone will respect. They can be read on motd in the game, or the “Rules” page at the top of this page.

If you suspect that someone breaks the rules on our servers. Then please try to make a demo, if you know how to do this. Save the player’s name and SteamID and please contact us at our forum or send it over our bansystem. Then we will take a look at it.